Government 2.0 Club

As the Washington Post and Mashable have reported, the Obama administration is having some trouble implementing an open, collaborative, transparent government within the exisiting government information structure.  Never fear, though, because some geeks are on the case….meet  the Government 2.0 Club. From it’s website:

Government 2.0 Club is a national organization that brings together leading thinkers from government, academia and industry to share ideas and solutions for leveraging social media tools and Web 2.0 technologies to create a more collaborate, efficient and effective government — Government 2.0

It doesn’t explicitly say it, but I’m counting “librarians” within this group and I hope some of us get involved.  After all, we know how this information is used.   It looks like the website will be the main conduit for information sharing, but there will be unconferences, such as the upcoming camp in March.  (Which has already filled up, but even if it weren’t, I somewhat ironically couldn’t attend because I have a KY-GORDORT meeting that day.)  So watch those spaces for more information and get involved, if you can.

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