Reason #213 I Love HeinOnline

Not only are they all about the Web 2.0, but they decorated their site for Halloween.

Who says legal research can’t be silly sometimes?

Easy Widget Maker from iGoogle

My new favorite recent discovery – and by recent I mean less than 12 hours – is the easy widget maker from iGoogle. They have seven templates to choose from, one of which is a free form one. Check it out:

Above is the screen shot of your widget options. I chose the YouTube channel and filled it in with some vendor videos on YouTube. Here’s the form:

As you can see, it’s really just a simple cut/paste type thing. And then, as the French say, viola! You have your very own personalized widget:

da slides

I could have sworn I’ve used SlideShare before and uploaded my SEAALL presentation, but I guess not. So, hopefully this embed will work.

Web 2.0 in Law Libraries

View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own.

ORALL 2008


Wow…it’s been awhile since I’ve had the chance to post here.   A combination of teaching, committee work and conference prep has left me with no time.

As previously mentioned, I’ll be presenting at ORALL 2008 on the topic of Web 2.0 in libraries.  I finished my presentation today (with 4 days to spare…go me.)  In lieu of paper handouts, I created this wiki with links to resources as well as the specific examples that I’m going to show in my powerpoint.

Now I just have to find some burnable CDs or a thumb-drive with a big enough storage capacity to hold my monsterously large, image heavy powerpoint….